Tuesday 15 August 2017

Oracle Form Builder Properties

  Form Properties :
   First Navigation data block  : If we have multiple data  blocks in the form
         which block you want to navigate first.

  Data block Properties :
         DatabaseDatablock : If we set 'Yes' then it is a Database datablock
         If we set 'No' then it is a Control datablock.

        Maximum records displayed: we can specify how many records we can
        display at a time in the CAnvas.
        Query Datasource Name : Table Name

 Trigger properties :
       execution Hierarchy : To change the Triggers sequence firing in the
             different order.
  Item Properties :

   Enabled  :
   Case Restriction
   Required  :
   Database item
   Insert Allowed
   Pripmery Key
   List of VAlues
   Visuval Attributes.

  To Change the Properties in the Runtime we will use


   set_Item_Property(Field Name,
                     Property Name,


  window Propertis:
    Model : No it means model less window
            Yes it is Model window.

   System Variables :
   Will be used to find the form information dynamically like
    form status,block name,item name,cursor field...........
    Syntax:     :SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM

  Go_block :  To got the Perticular block.
  Name_in functions:
     Returns the value of the indicated variable.


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