Tuesday 15 August 2017

Oracle Form Builder Explanation

Form Builder:

 Window : 

 1) Model  : we can not resize,minimize
 2) Model Less window : User Friendly we can easily
       navigate other forms and minimize and maximize
    Default : Model less Window

If we want to make it model window Go to Window
 propeties: Model  = Yes

  canvases  : 5 Types
    Content              (Default)
    Horizontal Toolbar
    Vertical Toolbar
    TAB  Pages

   Property  : Type  = Content

  Data block : Database Data block : Select Data from table
              Control Data block : Without table

   Database Data block : Yes

Record Groups :
A record group is an internal Form Builder data structure
that has a column/row framework similar to a database table

    Static           : Enter the values manually
    Query based      : based on the select statement get the values
    Non-Query based  : Change the values dynamically.

LOV: List of Value which will be used to provide the list of values
       in the fields user can select the value from the list.

  Without Record group we can not create LOV.

Once LOV is created it will be attached to the field by selecting
the property called 'List Of Values'

Note : CREATE_GROUP by using this procedure we can create the Record
       group dynamically.

 Property Classes                                  Visual Attributes

1)Group of Properties                        1)Group of Look and Feel properties

2)We can not change dynamically    2)Visual attributes can be changed      
                                                                SET_VA_PROPERTY Procedure

3)We can define the Triggers for       3)We can not define
  Property Class

Note : If same property given in both Property Class and Visual
       Attribute then Visual Attribute will take the High priority.

Popup Menu : Will be created To populate group of menu options
  when we select the Right click option.
Once popup is created then it will be assigned to field or Canvas.

Alerts : Alerts are nothing but Messages which will be used to display
         message boxes based on the user input we can change the Form

   Triggers Levels :

   Form Level
   Data Block  Level
   Record Level
   Item Level

   Form Level : it Will be executed once for the entire Form.
   Block  Level : It Will be executed when we enter into the data block.
   Record level : It Will be executed for every record.
   Item Level   : It Will be executed for the Particular Item.

   Types Of Triggers:

    1)When Triggers
    2)Transactional Triggers
    3)Validation Triggers
    4)Query Time Triggers
    8)Navigational Triggers
    9)Master Detail Triggers
   10)Mouse Event Triggers
   11)Key Triggers.

                 WHEN-MOUSE-DOUBLE CLICK

WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD  : when user change the value in the fields then
            it will be fired.
WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE : When user create new record then it will be

Transactional Triggers: When user make some Transaction like
That time these triggers will be fired.

PRE-QUERY                  POST-QUERY.............

Validation Triggers : 

WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM    - At any level

When we change the value in the item (or) record it will be

Query Time Trigers: 

Pre-Query  : Trigger will be fired before query the data
             Only once

Post-Query  : Will be fired after query the data multiple times
              for every record once it will be fired.
              To Populate Non-Database Items.

Navigational Triggers :

When we navigate from one form to another form
               from one data block to another data block
               from one record to another record these triggers
               from one field to another field then these triggers
               will be fired


Master Detail Triggers:

When we define the master detail relation ship between the Data blocks then
Master - Detail triggers will be created automatically.

    Types Master Detail Relationships:

 Non-Isolated   : (Default) The master record cannot be deleted
                             if associated detail records exist
                             in the database

 Isolated        :  The master record can be deleted,
                    but the associated detail records are not deleted
                    from the database.

 Cascade        :  The master record can be deleted,
                    and any associated detail records are automatically
                    deleted from the database at commit time.

   Master - Detail Triggers : 
                            ON-CHECK-DELETE-MASTER (Non-Isolated)
                            Pre-delete        (Cascade)  

   Deptno : 10
   Dname   : Accounting

  Empno   Ename          Sal       Deptno
  4411    SaiNaatth        12500    10
  4422    Vivek              12452    10
  1545   Madhuri             2365    10

  Deferred : yes : We must place the cursor in the detail block

  Automatic Query : yes : Data will be retrieved automatically in the detail

  Key Triggers:

 Key-Fun     : A Key-Fun trigger fires when an operator presses
              the associated key

 key-Others :A Key-Others trigger is associated with all keys
             that can have key triggers associated with
             them but are not currently defined by function key triggers

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