Tuesday 15 August 2017

Discoverer Explanation Part 1

1)creation of Custom Folder:

1)Goto Administrator  Edition Select the Business area =>Right Click
  select the option called New Custom Folder

2)Enter the  Select Statement whatever is valid

3)Define the Workbook in the Desktop Edition by selecting the Business area.

Grouping the Records:

If we would like to apply any group by clause then we will select Column name
=>Right Click => Group Sort which will group the records based on the column

Attach the Title

goto the Tools menu Options field =Select the Tab called Table check the
check box called Title => Double click on that and enter the Title.

Select  Insert button to insert the Data , Time and as well as Parameter Values.

Attach the parameters:
Select Tools Menu Parameters option
select the new button select the column name for comparision select the relation
and specifuy the condition.

To Display the parameter value in the Title then goto title Select Insert button
insert the Parameter name .

Item Classes :
Item class is nothing but list of values which will be attach to the parameter to
select single value or multiple values.
Goto Admin Edition select Item classes tab =>Right Click select Item classes
select the Folder . and select the column name
so that we can use that LOV for that folder and as well as for the selected column.

Go To DeskTop Edition attach the parameter
Check the check box called Allow users to enter multiple values.
so that user can select multiple values at a time otherwise single value.

Copolex Folders :
Joins Simple Folders by using Join Condition
 For Ex :ap_invoices_all              simple folder
         ap_invocie_distributions_all Simple Folder
Use the Join condition between both the Foler select data fro both the tables.

Goto Desktop edition select the columns from both the folders whatever are required
and design the work sheet

Display the Total:

select  Toole menu Totals option to disply the Grand total and as well as the
Sub Total
select the Group function and column Name and select either Grand total or Subtotal.

Press OK

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