Tuesday 15 August 2017

Creating User In Oracle Application

Creation of New User:(Oracle Apps)

1)Open the internet Explorer connect to Oracle Applications
2)Enter the         User Name: OPERATIONS
   Password: WELCOME
3)Select the Responsibility called 'System Administrator'
4)Open the User form.
 Security => User =>Define

5)Enter User Name and Password attach the Responsibilities whatever we required
for ex System Administrator
  Application Developer

6)Exit from the Application
 File => Exit Oracle Applications

7)Connect to Oracle apps enter new user name password system will show the message
like  'Password Has Expired'
8)Enter the New Password Press Ok Button

Short Cuts:

1)To Query All the Records Press CTRL+F11
2)To Query Specific Records
     i)Open the Form
    ii)Press F11    (Form will come into Query mode)
   iii)Enter Search Criteria in any field
    iV)Press CTRL+F11
3)To Close Form = F4
5)To Save the Records CTRL+S

Effective Date From and To:

In most of the Oracle Application forms, we will find two fields like
Effective Date From
Effective Date To

In some of the forms once we create records and save. We can not delete from database
that time we can go for Disable/Enable the record by using these two fields

Finding Table NameS/Column Names:

1)Help => Record History which will shows the Table Name
2)Help Menu=>Diagnastics=>Examine=>Enter the Password(APPS)=>We can find the Column Name

WHO Columns:

WHO Column Will be used to find out the History of the record
we can find from front End Also
Help=>Record History

CREATED_BY      - Which User has created the Record(Userid)
CREATION_DATE   - at what time user has created (SYSDATE)
LAST_UPATED_BY   -Which User has updated recently(UserID)
LAST_UPDATE_DATE -at what time user has Updated (SYSDATE)

LAST_LOGON_DATE - At what time user last Login Time

Find the Login UserName:
Help Menu=>About Oracle Applications

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